8th PhDSS Awards
We’re thrilled to announce the winners of the 8th Faculty of Science PhD Student Symposium Awards! Just like in previous years, we celebrated excellence across multiple categories, including Best Oral Presentation, Best Poster Presentation, and The Most Attentive Listeners. Check out who took home the honors!
Nika Atelšek Hozjan – 1st Place
“The 8th edition of the Symposium for PhD students in Zagreb was the first edition that I attended. After checking the official website and some previous editions I realized it is an event I would like to cooperate in. I found it an excellent opportunity because it has no registration fee, but is very beneficial for researchers at any level. Not only you can present your work to the platform of very well-educated students and receive good comments and suggestions in return, but you also get insights into the fields you are not that familiar with. I also met many amazing scientists and made new connections. Last but not least, some very interesting lectures and workshops from invited speakers provided useful information for participants’ academic, research or career paths. The whole experience was amazing and I would recommend it to everyone – those at the beginning of their PhD journey and also to well-established scientists.
I would also like to congratulate the whole organizing team – you really made this event exceptional!
Thank you again for everything, see you next year!”
Nadia Dunato Pejnović – 2nd Place
“Active participation in a PhD Student Symposium offers many benefits and enriching experiences. You can share research findings, exchange ideas, and receive constructive feedback from peers and experts in the field. Engaging in discussions and presenting research with fellow scholars expands knowledge horizons, and promotes interdisciplinary collaboration. Moreover, actively participating enhances communication and presentation skills, boosts self-confidence, and cultivates a sense of belonging within the academic community. Join us at the 9th Symposium next year!”
Josip Peco – 3rd Place
“Smatram da Simpozij studenata doktorskih studija PMF-a predstavlja odličnu priliku doktorandima za prezentiranje vlastitog istraživačkog rada. Također, benefiti simpozija su stjecanje uvida u to što rade kolege doktorandi te mogućnost potencijalne suradnje i upoznavanje novih ljudi. Posebno mi se sviđa princip usmenih izlaganja, gdje je cilj na što jednostavniji način približiti tematiku svakog pojedinog doktorata i istraživanja.”
“8. simpozij studenata doktorskih studija PMF-a 2024. godine okupio je velik broj doktoranada koji su imali priliku predstaviti jedni drugima svoje doktorsko istraživanje kroz usmeno ili poster izlaganje. Uz mnoštvo različitih znanstvenih tema, imali smo priliku upoznati i čuti predstavnike organizacija, tvrtki, akademije i sl. kroz radionice, pozvana predavanja i panel diskusiju. Simpozij je bio zanimljiv i dinamičan te bih ga preporučio svim doktorandima, pogotovo jer je sudjelovanje besplatno, lokacija pristupačna i organizacija odlična. Ovim putem zahvaljujem svim sudionicima i organizacijskom odboru na pozitivnom iskustvu, a osobno mi se najviše svidjelo što su organizatori bili opušteni i na taj način dodatno osigurali ugodnu atmosferu te što su u aktivnosti simpozija uključili i studente.”
„Prvo što mi je zapelo za oko je opuštena atmosfera, odnosno izostanak pritiska za izlagače kojima se, iako izlažu pred nešto većim auditorijem, ne stvara nikakav presing. Sva pitanja i kritike su bile konstruktivnog karaktera, tako da to samo može pomoć u usmjeravanju i poboljšanju daljnjih istraživanja. Cijeli program simpozija, od pozvanih predavanja i radionica pa do STEM kviza, odlično je osmišljen i svatko može naći nešto što ga zanima. Mislim da je ovaj simpozij idealan za nekog tko je u početnom stadiju doktorata jer ovdje mogu bez pritiska izložiti svoje rezultate, dobiti feedback, a ponešto toga i naučiti.“
“I am Nikola Balić, a research assistant in the Laboratory of Molecular Neuropsychiatry (Division of Molecular Medicine) at the Ruder Boskovic Institute in Zagreb.
This is my first time participating in the PhDSS, and first participation as an active exhibitor, where I had my first poster presentation. Participating in the 8th PhDSS proved to be a really beneficial and worthwhile experience. What stood out to me the most was the extensive variety of subjects discussed.
I enjoyed the participatory structure, which encouraged interesting discussions and allowed me to make connections with other attendees. The PhDSS not only broadened my knowledge, but it also inspired some new perspectives. This symposium brings together students, academics, and specialists from a wide range of fields, creating excellent networking possibilities. Students can learn about the most recent research and trends, so I encourage others to participate next year and take advantage of this dynamic community.
Engaging in the PhDSS motivated me to enhance my skills in public speaking and critical thinking. I’m of the opinion that establishing relationships inside the academic realm can lead to enduring friendships and collaborations, which can be obtained through the PhDSS.”
1. Lucija B.
2. Mia Mesić
3. Marijana Balić
4. Eduard-Edi Jerković
The quiz was played by 13 teams. Some of them worth noting and the ones that won prizes are:
1. Cash Cows team
2. Čajna kužina team
12. Paviljon 25